Monday, August 8, 2011

I Really Dislike Banks - Now More Than Ever

A brilliant businessman I know wrote to me today. Read what he said about Banks.........

Hey Larry.

If you've been around me a while you know
I've always stayed away from banks for my
house investing business. In fact, with the
exception of the very first house I ever owned,
bought in 1988, I have not used a bank to buy
one SINGLE house. Short term or long term,
none of them. And that's a LOT of houses!

What I don't like about banks is that they are
difficult to deal with, and if you get near them
they get out their scope and give you a full on

My dislike has grown to include their child
like behavior on short sales and REO's.
Resale restrictions, hoops after hoops... I
say GET REAL. They, and the illustrious
idiots in Congress, created the mess the RE
market is in and now they want to flog us
when we try and help clean it up?


Then there's the paperwork, MERS, and
all the problems with

* lending and servicing violations
* predatory lending
* mortgage fraud
* and 10 other issues that will be
discussed in detail on the training
I'm about to tell you about.

So I, and many others, walk around with
teeth clenched in anger towards banks.

B of A (which BTW does NOT stand for Bank
of America) and Wells Fargo are, by far, the 2
biggest offenders.

Well here's the good news. In my travels, and
in the circles I run in, I learned about a couple
of guys who put together a business, that is now
HUGE and that does nothing but help borrowers,
who are in, or about to be in foreclosure, or
who are upside down on their mortgages, get
justice. They actually put a hurting on the banks,
by looking at the situation and determining if
there are legal issues with their loans, and
then come down on the lenders legally.

It's called Foreclosure Justice. It's a smack
down and It's beautiful!

For the First time in history, Homeowners can now get:
* A big discount on their principal balance.
* Waived deficiency judgments.
* Deleted derogatory trade lines on their credit
* AND they can legally get cash proceeds
from their property even if they have no equity.

This is NOT:
* Loan Modification
* Negotiating a Short Sale
* Loan Audit
* Loan Consultation
* Foreclosure Defense
* Foreclosure Rescue
* Credit Counseling/Credit Repair

If your family is in trouble with your home, you have to follow up with us. email ASAP

Sincerely, Larry - Blog Founder

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